The 3 Category Types of Facility Distress
Who We Are

The Basic 3 Types
of Facility Condition Distress
If you find yourself seeking outside counseling for your group of restaurants/retail establishments? There are a few things you should understand to get the most of the relationship. First, you should recognize which kind of category you’re in.
There are basically three categories that restaurants/retail establishments fall into:
1) Those who are in trouble.
2) Those that are comfortable and content.
3) Those that want more.

1) The Ones Already in Trouble

It's hard to help these places. Oftentimes, they have let their operations get so bad that they are usually very desperate. In these situations, clarity and rationale have already left the building.
These restaurants/retail establishments definitely need some outside input to stop the internal damage that is growing within their business. The problem is they usually need help, like, right now. For some, this can be done with a few tweaks to marketing and that can help take the pressure off...for a while.
You see, usually all "business" problems are really just people problems in disguise, and it take a great consultant a while to uncover the real issues bringing your location down. Whatever these locations say is the problem usually isn't the real issue. Instead, it tends to be about five layers deeper. Sometimes, consultants can affect change with open communication to turn a business around. If the business owner has waited way too long and contacted a consultant as a last ditch-"Hail Mary," then the discussion shifts to how to close the business down in a way that works best for all involved.
Please don't let your restaurants/retail establishments location get to this place.

2) Those That Are Comfortable & Content
The restaurants/retail establishments that are comfortable or content with how things are may be the most difficult to work with and usually never contact a consultant.
Remember: Being in the comfort zone is never a place you want to be.
Why? Because markets change - that is just the law of economics. You can coast along being content while new competition will enter your market and slowly start taking market share from you. Some locations are so tone deaf to the changes in their market that they get blindsided one day and quickly drop into the category mentioned earlier: the ones in trouble.
Most consultants stay clear of these types of locations because they have no real desire to implement change. People only change for their reasons, not yours.
This is like getting into a relationship and thinking you can change the person. It seldom works out.
3) Those That Want More
Grab the Bull by The Horn

These locations are a consultant's dream client. They are doing well, yet they feel a pull or desire to do even better. These locations understand that consulting and coaching is an investment that will return a huge ROI.
They're at the top of their market and they plan on staying there.
They seek to fine tune everything like a high performance athlete! The things that separates gold medal winner and silver medalist in the Olympics is sometimes just a fraction of a second. High performance
restaurants know this and they seek to maintain their advantage.
These are the businesses that have a learning culture - not a training culture. They seek self-improvement to dominate their market.
They invest in the 3 best final consulting results, that is to focus on: People, Process, and Products.